Global Missions

“And this gospel of the kingdom will be preached in the whole world as a testimony to all nations, and then the end will come”. Matthew 24:14

Living Impact Inc.

Celebrating 25 years of mission and ministry.


Our Edge.

Our pastors are indigenous, so they are fully adapted to the culture of their respective unreached people group. We recruit, train, and support them in every aspect of ministry to facilitate fruitfulness.

Preaching the Good News.

The gospel of redemption is proclaimed to previously unevangelized communities, establishing new congregations in cities, towns, and villages.

Spiritual Growth.

Born-again believers are baptized, nurtured, and matured through holistic discipleship, instruction in the Word, walking in the Spirit, and strong church communities.


Raising Leaders.

New leaders are raised and trained by our ministers from our own congregations for outreach and ministry.

Poverty Relief.

Community projects such as farms and orphanages are developed to help alleviate poverty and suffering.


Our indigenous pastors are financially supported via international sponsorships from individuals, groups, and churches.


Gallery below are actual photos from our mission.